Before Context API:
import ComB from './ComB'
const ComA = () => {
return (
<ComB value = {{name : "himanshu", age : 24}} />
export default ComA
import ComC from './ComC'
const ComB = (props) =>{
return (
<ComC value = {props.value} />
export default ComB
const ComC = (props) => {
return (
<h1>hello from ComC</h1>
) }
export default ComC
Every time we have to pass props manually, know as prop drilling.
This method is not optimized, because we have to pass props to every child component to reach the specific child where we actually want to show.
After ContextAPI:
//1. create context
//2. provider
//3 . consumer (useContext)
The consumer is a bit lengthy, so it has been replaced by use context()
1.create context
const bioData = createContext();
2.provide value that needs to be passed using provider
<bioData.Provider value = {[{name : "himanshu", age : 24} ]}>
<ComB />
3.Wrap the child with the provider
<bioData.Provider value = {[{name : "himanshu", age : 24} ]}>
<ComB />
4.export that provider
export {bioData}
5.import the provider value to the child component where data needs to be
actually passed
import {bioData} from './ComA'
6. create useContexct and pass the provider value
const dataContext = useContext(bioData)
7. Boom! you got the value
return (
<h1>Hello from ComC {dataContext[0].name} </h1>
<h2>Hello from ComC {dataContext[0].age} </h2>
import { createContext } from 'react'
import ComB from './ComB'
const bioData = createContext();
const ComA = () => {
return (
<bioData.Provider value = {[{name : "himanshu", age : 24} ]}>
<ComB />
export default ComA
export {bioData}
import ComC from './ComC'
const ComB = () =>{
return (
<ComC />
export default ComB
import React, { useContext } from "react"
import {bioData} from './ComA'
const ComC = () => {
const dataContext = useContext(bioData)
return (
<h1>Hello from ComC {dataContext[0].name} </h1>
<h2>Hello from ComC {dataContext[0].age} </h2>
) }
export default ComC
// no redundancy issue of passing props to every child
//this method helps to directly pass the data to that child component where we actually want