js - regular expression (part3)

console.log("This is tutorial 48");
// Regular Expressions:
    // Basic functions 
    // Metacharacter Symbols

// const regex = /^h/i;

// Character Sets - We use []
let regex = /h[a-z]rry/; // can be any character from a to z
regex = /h[aty]rry/; // can be an a, t or y
regex = /h[^aty]rry/; // cannot be any of a, t or y
regex = /h[^aty]rr[yYu]/; // cannot be any of a, t or y + can be a u or y
regex = /h[a-zA-Z]rr[yu0-9][0-9]/; // we can have as many character sets as we want

// Quantifiers - We use {}
regex = /har{2}y/; // r can occur exactly 2 times
regex = /har{0,2}y/; // r can occur exactly 0 to 2 (0 or 1 or 2) times

// Groupings  - We use paranthesis for groupings ()
regex = /(har){2}([0-9]r){3}/

// const str = "hirry9 bhai";
str = "harrry bhai"
str = "harhar1r4r5r bhai";

let result = regex.exec(str);
console.log("The result from exec is ", result);

    console.log(`The string ${str} matches the expression ${regex.source}`);
    console.log(`The string ${str} does not match the expression ${regex.source}`);