Host React JS website on github for Free

Useful links - 
Push to github - Click here
GitHub Error Message — Permission denied (publickey) -  Click here
Link to gh pages and host website on github - Click here

Here we will learn how you can host your website live on the internet using GitHub

Step 1 - Check your website is already pushed to GitHub or not

> Download and install git bash - Click here

> Open gitbash at the folder where your code is present - [shift + left-click > gitbash]

> type - $ git status

fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

If the above response comes, you need to first push your website to git repo

Quickly link your git bash to your GitHub repo - 
(this step is only for those who are setting up gitbash for the first time)

>got to gitbash terminal and type : 

1st command -  git config --global ""
 2nd Command - git config --global "Your Name"

Step 2 - Push your local code to Git repo

> Create a repository on Github - Check here

> Go back to your git bash and type

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git status

Now all the files are staged and ready to be committed -

> Commit the files
$ git commit -m "first commit"

git remote add origin 'your_url_name'
> git push -u origin master

Its done

Step 3 - Edit your package.json file

Add this line - 
"homepage" : "https://<username><repo-name>

  "homepage""", <<< ths line was added
  "dependencies": {

Step 4 : Add gh pages to your project using npm or yarn

> Go to your vs-code terminal and write -
npm install --save gh-pages 

> Open package,json file again and paste

  • "predeploy" : "npm run build", << this is added
  •  "deploy": "gh-pages -d build", << this is added 

"scripts": {
    "predeploy" : "npm run build", << this is added
    "deploy""gh-pages -d build", << this is added
    "start""react-scripts start",
    "build""react-scripts build",
    "test""react-scripts test",
    "eject""react-scripts eject"

Step 5 :  npm run deploy

Step 6 :
>  Go to repo > setting > pages > select gh-pages and save.

> A Link is created automatically , that will be your hosted website link

Here is the hosted site link : 

Note : Even without pushign the website to git repo again , you wesbtie will be hosted