// Set : stores unique values
// initialising an empty set
const mySet = new Set();
// adding vlaues in set
mySet.add({key : "value"})
mySet.add('this')//cant take repeated values
mySet.add("gone case")
// console.log(mySet);
// Using constructor to initialize the set
// const mySet2 = new Set([1,24,'this',false,{a:4 , b:'hello'},'this'])
// console.log(mySet2);
// getting size of set
// console.log(mySet.size);
// checking value exist in set or not
// console.log(mySet.has(35));
// removing value from set
// console.log("before removal",mySet);
// console.log(mySet.delete('gone case'));
// console.log("after removal", mySet);
// iterate the set
// for(let item of mySet){
// console.log(item);
// }
// using forEach loop
// mySet.forEach(element => {
// console.log(element);
// });
// convertin set to array
// let mySetArray = Array.from(mySet);
// console.log("ARRaY of set", typeof(mySetArray));
// console.log("ARRaY of set", mySetArray);
/* example : removing duplicates from Array
array with duplicates
let newArray = [34,23,'this','hello', {a : 5,b: 6},'this']
console.log("Array with duplicate ", newArray);
/converting array to set
var myArraySet = new Set(newArray);
converting set back to array with duplcates removed
let newArray2 = Array.from(myArraySet);
console.log("Array with duplicates removed ", newArray2);