Lesson 3 - Setting up Node JS and running | Learning MERN Stack

 Step 1 - Create a folder: mern-stack

Step 2 - Open vs code and press Ctrl + `, and then type npm init

Step 3 - Install Express - npm i express

Once the above steps are done,

Step 4 -  create a folder with name backend: mern-stack/backend

Step 5  - Create a file: index.js and paste the below code : 

index.js : 


const express = require("express");
const app = express();

app.listen(5000console.log("server started"));

Step 6 - Run the server 

Go to cmd and type : node backend/index.js

and boom, your server is running at PORT 5000

Step 7 - Install Nodemon : npm install -g nodemon

Step 8 - Update package.json file : 

  "scripts": {
    "start""nodemon backend/index.js"
  "dependencies": {

Now run the server : npm start